The Irregular at Magic High School
El samurái sin nombre (Sword of the Stranger)
March comes in like a lion
Doraemon y los caballeros emmascarados
Monogatari Series: Second Season
Digimon Adventure 02: Hurricane Touchdown! Supreme Evolution! The Golden Digimentals
Ranma ½: Nihao mi concubina (Ranma 1/2: El rapto de las novias)
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Spice & Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
Las Aventuras de las Mini-Diosas (El ser pequeño es conveniente)
Touch (Bateadores): La odisea de Tatsuya
Patlabor: The Original Series (Mobile Police Patlabor)
Otona Joshi no Anime Time
The Incredible Race Horse